22 Apr Ethiopian Community at Lakeview SDA
Greetings to all!
We are about 22 Ethiopians who worship at Lakeview every week. Everyone vividly remembers the first day we met. It was like we were back home to our beloved Ethiopian church: the warm welcome, worship and potluck. Currently, most of us aren’t just members but we are also actively involved in the praise team, serve as deaconesses, organizers, Pathfinders staff and much more. We also teach our own Sabbath School Class in Amharic. Thanks to the church, we are able to obtain our own copies of the Ethiopian-translated quarterly. The church also organizes international days and different events where members of different cultures are able to mingle and enjoy different ethnic food. The Ethiopian community plays a crucial role in these social events. The second week of every month, we facilitate a bible study after the worship service. Currently we are studying the book of John and our Adventist fundamental beliefs. Through all these years, God has helped us in many ways to keep us together and attract other Ethiopians to join our monthly bible study. We are happy to report that more and more people come join us to study the Word of God. Some come from farther parts of Georgia and Tennessee. We are planning to have our first Ethiopian conference at the Lakeview Seventh-Day Adventist church on June 7th and 8th. The goal of our ministry is to bring more people to Jesus Christ to add to God’s Kingdom!
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