20 Apr How We Love
This coming Sabbath, April 27th, 2019, the Lakeview Adventist Church Family Life department is pleased to be hosting Pastor Brian Burgess as he brings us a day of learning to love better by exploring “How We Love”.
Is your relationship stuck, repeating the same old patterns?
Our early life experiences, for better or worse, teach us how to love. Stumbling over the same irksome “dance steps” in their relationships, people usually have no clue there’s another way – a better way. Come learn the tools to take your relationships to the next level, starting today. These tools are applicable to all significant relationships: marital, sibling, parent-child, extended family, and friends. Topics include Secure, Avoidant, Pleaser, Victim, Controll and Vascillator love styles.
Want to get a head start? Take the love style test at www.howwelove.com.
Family Life Day Schedule
10:00am – Sabbath School
11:45am – Sermon
1:30pm – Lunch
3:00pm – Seminar with Q&A Session
Please come and invite friends! Registration will be at the door, but if you know ahead of time that you will be attending, please preregister so we will have the necessary materials, food and staff prepared for you. Thank you!
To preregister, text Elysee at 770-883-1241 or Danielle at 770-883-2172.
About the Presenter
Brian Burgess was born and raised in a single-parent home in upstate NY and began attending a Seventh-Day Adventist church when he was 11 years old. Years later, he came to realize that this was a great blessing to his life as a fatherless child and accepted Jesus as his Savior. As an Adventist pastor for more than 24 years, Brian has developed a special concern in emotional and spiritual health, taking serious the biblical cousnel “to be of sound mind”. He is married to his lovely wife of 23 years, Janice. They have two children, Joshua and Angelina. He holds degreees from Atlantic Union College, Boston University, and Andrews University. Brian currently serves as Pastor of the Apison Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Tennessee.
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